Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday Favorites! (Video Edition)

I feel like the days are just flying by. Before I know it school is going to be starting. I only have 11 more days, which makes me very anxious to even think about. I've been decorating my room and I think it's coming along pretty well. I'm also trying to redesign my blog. As I'm still fairly new, I've been having difficulty with this. Eh I'll figure it out eventually. I'm very optimistic ;)

I'm sorry this post is short. I've been really busy but I still wanted to still get something up!

Without further ado, here are this weeks video favorites! I hope y'all have a fantabulous weekend xx

Favorite Drink (Mango Green Tea) - I know this isn't a video, but I had to sneak this in here. This is the mango green tea from The Tea Nation. I'm a connoisseur of tea, if I say so myself, and this ranks highly on my list of favorites. 

Favorite Song (Shake It Off by Taylor Swift) - This isn't normally the genre of music you'd catch me listening to, but I can't help it. This song is amazing! I was hooked the minute I heard it.
Favorite Smile - This video is a baby bulldog named Rocky jumping from the couch into his owner's arms. I'm a sucker for a cute animal video. 

Favorite Couple Moment - A boy named Jack wants to surprise his girlfriend, Ella, for her birthday. I must warn you, if you love romance this may make you tear a little. I know I did.

Favorite Album (500 Days Of Summer Soundtrack) - My brother and I decided to have an impromptu movie night. Of course we started with one of our favorite movies, 500 Days of Summer. Watching it just reminded me of one of the reasons I loved it so much in the first place.. the music. No movie is complete without the perfect soundtrack. 

What have you been loving this week? 
Bisous, Dee


  1. I am such a huge tea fan too. I really ought to get into green tea because it's so good for you. I enjoy Earl Grey & Chai. :] // ☼

    1. Surprisingly I've never had Chai. I'll have to try some :) It seems delicious xx

  2. I didn't like the new t swift song at first but now I do because it's so catchy! And I watched the Ella video a while ago too, and it's so heartwarming :')

    Every Day In Grace

    1. I think they're such a sweet couple. That's true commitment right there haha :) xx

  3. I cried so much watching that jacksgap video, you have no idea. It's truly amazing!
    I would love to stay in touch with you, so if you want to follow each other on google (GFC) and bloglovin, please let me know! x ❃

  4. i absolutely love green tea... mango green tea sounds amazing! id love it if youd comment back xx
